February 5, 2010

Cute Pics (Again…)

I’m running out of creative post titles.  Suggestions anyone? 


Miss Bubbles


Kisses from Daddy

GEDC1527 I don’t know why but I think this picture is really cute. 


  Sitting up like a big girl

(Don’t be fooled….she fell over right after I took this.)

She’s also wearing a pretty new sweater that Grandmommy made for her. 

Randy’s mom is in town to visit  and help so I’ll have some more Mamama (that’s pronounced just like it reads!) to post soon. 

P.S.  Thanks to Kathryn, and her snow days!, for our super-cute new header.   :)


Kate G. said...

I love her. And yes, that picture in her car seat is very cute.

Jammie/Mom said...

Cute headers, Cute Halley, Cute Bubbles. I keep going back and looking over and over again...with a big smile!

those mitchells said...

i think i can see some crazy hair in the crib picture....L.O.V.E it.