February 26, 2010

Oh my goodness, I could just melt

So look what HJ learned to do today!!! Again, I don't know how to edit video yet so at least watch the first half...the second half is just more of the same.

February 23, 2010

Four Months Old!!!


Hello readers!  I have plenty of pics to post from our trip to Arizona but I had to take care of these first.  Yesterday Halley turned 4 months old so we had another check up today.  She weighs a whopping 10 lbs 12 oz and is 24 1/2  inches tall (long?).  She’s grown almost 2 inches, which puts her in the 50-75 percentile, but has dropped to the 5th percentile for her weight.  Doctor B. still isn’t concerned and says she’s just skinny.  What woman is going to complain about that?!?!  HJ is SO close to rolling over and sometimes I think she’s going to start crawling any day.   Here she is today with her cute purple diaper.   

Halley has a new game she likes to play.  It’s called Let’s-See-How-Many-Fingers-I-Can-Fit-In-My-Mouth.


Almost rolling over (isn’t it amazing that we get so excited about …rolling over?)


Halley Walley LOVES this new thing.  She’s actually reaching out and playing with anything within her grasp. 


Here’s HJ with our longtime friends, Dave and Lynda Moja.  (Everyone, and I mean everyone, needs a Lynda Moja in their life.)  They are in town for Dave’s work so Lynda, HJ, and I got to spend some quality time together today. 


Check back later this week for Arizona pictures!

February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m not really a huge fan of Valentine’s Day but this weekend was really special. 

Randy’s mother, Sandy, has been in town visiting and she offered to babysit so we could go on a date.  I’m sure it was quite the sacrifice!  ;)


Randy and I drove up to Denver and ate dinner at this super-cool Mexican restaurant called La Sandia.  The food was great and it was nice to have some uninterrupted conversation.  (We also found a Caribou Coffee that was open late which was the real highlight of Randy’s night.)     


I also got these beautiful flowers!

Did I mention how much I love my husband?  Not because of the flowers but because he really is the greatest guy.  I’m certain that God made him perfect for me!



This morning I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast. 


(Note:  it makes it much easier to remove the pancakes if you spray the cookie cutter first!)

And, most importantly, today was Baby Dedication Day at our church.  There is a gown that my grandmother made in 1954 and she shipped it to me last week.  My mother, aunt, sister, cousin and I have all worn it when we were baptized as infants.  It is so special and I’m glad Halley was able to continue the tradition by wearing it.  She looked beautiful and the congregation oooh-ed at her, which, of course, boosted our already-proud-parent egos.

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HJ was so good up on stage and almost fell asleep in Pastor Eric’s arms.  And in usual fashion, Halley was called by her alternate name today…while he was praying for her, he repeatedly called her “Hailey”.  I guess she’s just going to have to get used to it.  God knows who we were praying for so it’s all good!  :)  I haven’t had a chance to look at the video yet but I’ll post it later if it came out clearly.  I also need to get a good picture of Ms. Squirmy Wormy in her dress before I send it back to Grandmommy. 

I’ll try to post both of those later. 

It’s a busy week around here.  Sandy leaves on Wednesday and Thursday Halley and I head to Tucson to visit my dad.  Bonus…Aunt Kathryn will be there too!  Have a great week!

February 15, 2010

Baby Dedication Sunday

I want to pull my hair out!!!

Okay, so here's the deal. I am having major issues with blogger.com and another blogging website and I'm ready to throw the computer out the window. Vista stinks! So...I just posted a few pictures individually and you'll just need to make up your own commentary for the time being. Hopefully I can actually publish the original post once I figure out what the problem is.

Anyway...even with computer problems, Halley is still beautiful, I love my husband and God is so good to us!

Good night.

Technical Difficulties

Hi y'all,

I know people have been asking about pictures of Halley's dedication this weekend at church. For some reason, when I post the pictures they just come across as text and not an image. Anyway....be patient. I'm working on it!

February 5, 2010

Cute Pics (Again…)

I’m running out of creative post titles.  Suggestions anyone? 


Miss Bubbles


Kisses from Daddy

GEDC1527 I don’t know why but I think this picture is really cute. 


  Sitting up like a big girl

(Don’t be fooled….she fell over right after I took this.)

She’s also wearing a pretty new sweater that Grandmommy made for her. 

Randy’s mom is in town to visit  and help so I’ll have some more Mamama (that’s pronounced just like it reads!) to post soon. 

P.S.  Thanks to Kathryn, and her snow days!, for our super-cute new header.   :)

February 2, 2010


I know I'm overdue for some pics of Halley but I finally figured out how to get videos off the camera! (In actuality, it wasn't that hard but it just took forever for me to get around to it.)

On the positive side, those of you who don't get to see HJ much you can catch her live in action...the downside is that I don't know how to edit video so it's not that exciting. Feel free to watch the whole thing (even the part where it's the back of Halley's head for a few minutes) but no one's feelings are hurt if you don't. :)

She's a little camera shy but I'll work on getting her to smile next time!