One of the only problems I've had during pregnancy has been back pain. Though it's not consistent throughout the day, it makes sleeping soundly through the night quite difficult. After lying in bed long after the timer on my sound machine went off, I decided I would at least be productive. Hence, here I am at 3:25am updating our blog and watching Sleepless in Seattle. Ironic, I know. (Randy bought it for me for nights such as this.)
So after taking two pregnancy tests at home, I called my doctor and set up an appointment to see what I needed to do next. But just so I wouldn't look like a fool when we went in there, I took one more test at was still positive. Then came the official test at Dr. Baiza's office and you guessed it! I was four for four. Dr. Baiza obliged us with this video for my mom. (I felt like a moron for asking but he did say he's done crazier things for patients.)
Maybe it's just me but telling my mom that I was pregnant was one of the more nerve-wracking things I've done in my life. I don't know, it's once thing for just Randy and I to be in on our little secret. It's another thing entirely to start telling our family because there's a whole other set of expectations...and it means it's really going to happen.
So I told my mom that I had this hysterical YouTube video that she needed to watch and sent her Dr. Baiza's message. I waited, stomach churning, for her to download it. She started asking questions like, "Who is this guy? What's going on?" and I just shushed her. When she finally understood what was happening.....well, I don't know that I've ever heard that noise come out of her. It was a mix between screaming at the top of her lungs, with shrieks of "Becky, you're pregnant?!?", with some crying in between while jumping up and down...for at least 5 minutes. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised that the neighbors didn't come over to check on her. Really, she was that loud. That is one thing I do wish I had captured on video as my witness. Keep in mind, this is her first grandchild.
My father on the other hand.....He was driving home from work when I managed to get in touch with him. Looking back, that may not have been the best decision. I asked him if he had any plans this fall and if he thought he could come visit his newest grandchild. His reaction went pretty much like this:
"What?" "Dad, I'm pregnant" "What? YOU'RE pregnant?" "Um, yep." "You? Are pregnant?" "Yep." "Wow......Wow..... Really? You? Are pregnant? Like on purpose?" "Um, yeah" "Wow....congratulations" "Dad, are you okay? Should you be driving?" "Wow...."
And for the same amount of time that my mom screamed her head off, my dad just sat there saying "wow." If you know my dad, you understand that he can hold his own in any conversation with any one. This speechless-ness was a definitely a first.
Telling all of our family was no small task. We did remark, after it was all over with, that we felt like we had just spoken to a small village. It was a bit exhausting. Among the other reactions we received:
"It's about time!", quiet tears, loud tears with joyful laughing, more shrieking, lots of enthusiastic "Congratulations!".... and my one friend screamed so loud she startled her toddler out of his chair.
Being that this is Randy's parents' seventh grandchild, they were a little more accustomed to receiving news of this sort but equally excited for us. Speaking of, grandchild #6 is due any day now. Randy's younger sister, Meg, and her husband, Chip, are expecting their second son sometime this week. It will be fun to watch our kids grow up together so close in age.
Everyone was so excited for us though which was really a blessing and made this season of our lives very special. Thanks for sharing our joy!
My eyelids are finally starting to get droopy....wish me luck.
1 comment:
Core strengthening.
Piriformis stretch.
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