Those of you that know Randy, know that he loves surprises. Me on the other hand, not so much. Since we found out that I was pregnant, Randy wanted to wait to find out the sex of our baby. Me being the planning type, I wasn't so sure that I could handle that kind of anticipation. However, the more people I talked to who had been surprised at the birth, the more I was convinced that it was worth the wait. So now we're....waiting. Ten more weeks. We were told by the ultrasound tech that she did not check to see the sex of the baby so no one would know until the birth. Liar! I asked Dr. Baiza if he knew what we were having and he said he did (even though he refers to our baby as Pat). Apparently it is written in my chart somewhere. Knowing that someone else knows and we don't definitely makes the waiting harder. Just one little peak at that manila folder at my next appointment.....No, I promised Randy I wouldn't.
Some of you who don't see me every day have been asking for more pregnant-belly pictures. (Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of showing you bare belly pics...I'm fully clothed.) This was me at the beginning of August at 28 weeks.
I had an appointment yesterday and have gained 25 pounds so far which pleased Dr. Baiza. And no, I'm not going to tell you what number that actually is. Some things are confidential, you know! Baby Everette is about 2 1/2 pounds now and 15 inches long. I got the results back from my Glucose test and it was negative. Praise God! (In case you don't know, the first time I was stuck with a needle and did NOT cry, was about...oh, 2 years ago. I had to call my mom and celebrate!) For all of those you who have theories about the sex based on the baby's heart rate, it was 148 yesterday. Any thoughts??? Many people in the family think we're having a girl but I think it's just because there are boys galore on both sides. Our families are deprived in the little girl arena!
I'll take some pictures of the baby's room for next time so check back soon. Thanks for caring enough to read. :)
Girl! Girl! Girl! Girl!
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! You'll love it...
Love the update! Thanks! I love you and am VERY proud of you and Randy both. Best wishes and warm hugs from Drewman and me.
yes! I did enough bare belly pictures for us all :) he he!
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