June 16, 2010

More Beach!


We are more than halfway through our time here but it has all been so fun!  It seems like the pool is a safer option with HJ than the beach.  Between the sand, salt water, hands-in-mouth, and hands-rubbing-the-eyes, it’s a bit harder to keep Halley happy on the beach. 

GEDC2204 HJ’s new favorite chew toy…Randy’s glasses


GEDC2228 HJ and I had some professional pictures taken of us for Mother’s Day but Randy snuck a few in with his camera also.  I love Halley’s smile.


HJ is the best first thing in the morning.


Cousin Wiley making HJ laugh


Trying to take a family picture without a professional camera is nearly impossible







Oh well….there’s always tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

those mitchells said...

It was so great seeing you guys last night! HJ is adorable and I'm so glad I got to finally hold her. I hope your drive home wasn't too bad. :)