January 26, 2011

One year ago…

….this was my cute munchkin. 

GEDC1344                                      GEDC1401


This week we went to see a new doctor in Marietta for HJ’s fifteen month appointment.  How can that be?!?!

Here are her stats:

Weight:  20 lbs---15%  (She’s never made it above 10% before.  The whole milk must be doing its job!)

Height:  30 1/4 inches—50%

Teeth:  two on top, three on bottom and one more coming in

The doctor recommended dropping bottles right away so that’s what we did.  It made me a a little sad but I’m trying to face each new stage with excitement and not the wishful my-baby-is-getting-so-big sadness.  I know lots of people that wish they could celebrate new milestone with their children that simply never get to.  We are thankful EACH day for a healthy, happy baby. 

Funny things HJ does:

--walks around with her hands behind her back like she’s your maitre’d

--waits for us to finish saying the blessing & then laughs while giving us a huge toothy smile

--has a newfound love for her tongue…loves to stick it out at you!

--smacks her lips & says “ahhhh”

Current obsessions:  holding keys, setting off our car alarms, BOOKS (she must have one in her hands at any given moment…like she pitches a fit if she can’t hold a book while she is eating, having her diaper changed, seriously.)

These aren’t the greatest (I had the camera on the wrong setting) but it’s all I’ve got from this week. 

                          GEDC4264                  GEDC4265




Kate G. said...

I remember that little baby!! :( She looks so big in that picture of her standing at the glass door...

Judy-mom said...

Not meaning to be redundant, but....like mother-book-lover, like daughter-booklover! She does look SO big, but getting more beautiful all the time!

Jennifer (Doherty) Brown said...

Oh my goodness! How adorable that she loves books so much. Is she holding onto Jane Eyre? Just checking.